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Exotic curries, traditional stews, crispy rice balls & unusual salads: Experience and taste Asia - whether pleasantly mild or fiery hot, vegetarian, fish or meat dishes. With our recipes, you will learn step-by-step how to bring the incomparable taste diversity of Asia to your plate.


Swing the wooden spoon and cook unique, authentic recipes from e.g. Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka or Indonesia at home.


Including information about the spices, great photos of the corresponding countries and small anecdotes from our travel diary. A bound photo travel cookbook with 64 authentic and local dishes

  • Sri Lanka
  • Vietnam
  • Laos
  • Cambodia
  • Myanmar
  • Thailand
  • Philippines
  • Indonesia


On our trips through Southeast Asia we always try to get to know the people better. And how do you get to know a person better than when cooking?

That's why we let locals show them their typical dishes and cooked them together with them. A selection of these recipes is now available in the form of our photo travel cookbook "A culinary journey through Southeast Asia".

Photos and anecdotes about the countries accompany the dishes according to the motto: Cooking is a journey - cooking is a journey!


Cooking is a journey - A culinary journey through Southeast Asia

  • 64 Rezepte
    z.B. scharfe Currys, exotische Eintöpfe, bunte Asia-Suppen und unglaublich aromatische Salat-Kreationen, wie wir sie bis dahin noch nirgends gesehen hatten (z.B. unser Lieblingssalat “Laphet Thoke”: fermentierter Teeblattsalat).

    30 Fleisch-, 16 Fisch- und 18 vegetarische Gerichte, verdammt viele Fotos & unglaublich viel Herzblut!

    Hardcover, 64 Rezepte, 145 Seiten
    Format: 21,0 x 29,7 cm

    ISBN: 978-3-00-069235-2

  • Reisen nach Südostasien?

    Wir empfehlen eine kulinarische nach Südostasien - mit tollen Rezepten aus Thailand, Kambodscha, Laos und Vietnam. Auch Gerichte aus den Philippinen und Sri Lanka findet ihr dem Foto-Reise-Kochbuch!

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